Michael Galyean

Dancing Blue Shirt Boy Book

$9.00 $15.00

Dance is for everyone. Whether you like to dance alone, with friends, or on a football field, the world is your stage and it’s ready for your performance.

Follow Michael, a silly and kind friend, as he finds the extra push he needs to show everyone his inner superpower: the joy of dancing. Michael isn’t done there, he then shares his famous dance with you!

The author, Michael Galyean, better known as The Dancing Blue Shirt Guy, claimed international attention after he performed with the University of Tennessee Dance Team disguised as a security guard. Since then, he has continued to use his platform to spread joy, promote dance, and create a world where everyone has a place to be themselves. This book was not only created for that child who knows they have a special talent and is afraid to show it, but also for the adult who wishes it didn't take a lifetime to share their artistic gift.